How to Make an Air Balloon Button Canvas
I love buttons and it seems I'm not the only one, button art is becoming increasingly popular. It's a great craft for beginners as your design can be as intricate or as simple as you like. All you need are some buttons, a glue gun and a canvas, many things you may already find that you have at home.
I have a whole box full of pretty buttons that have been crying out to be used for a few months now, so I finally decided to put them to good use and make an air balloon button canvas for my house . . .
You will need
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How to Make
Lightly sketch out the balloon shape onto your canvas using a pencil.
Position your first layer of buttons on top of the pencil outline and then fill in the balloon shape. Secure the buttons in place using a hot glue gun.
Once the glue has 'set' add on your next layer of buttons, gluing into place using the glue gun. Leave to dry for a couple of minutes.
Whilst the glue is setting, cut strips of paper using a paper trimmer to get a nice straight edge (you could use scissors if you prefer), and start to weave them together to form the balloon's 'basket'. Once happy with the size of the basket, round off the corner at the bottom to make it into more of a 'basket' shape.
Glue lengths of twine coming down from the balloon to run over the basket. Create a knot on one end on each of the twine strands. Secure into place using the glue gun