Hobbycraft is the UK’s leading Arts and Craft’s retailer, specialising in retailing Arts and Craft products forover 250 different activities. At Hobbycraft we pride ourselves on our people being at the heart of everythingwe do, be it customers or colleagues. We are committed and passionate about team diversity and a fairworking environment for all.
This data has been produced using the calculations detailed in the Gender Pay Gap Reporting legislation. The Gender Pay Gap shows the average pay of all the males in a defined group (in this case all our Colleagues) against the average pay of all the females in the same group. It is different to equal pay comparison, which examines if male and female Colleagues receive equal pay for equal work. The statutory calculations also do not allow for full time equivalent normalisation.
This year the data includes Furlough payments for some of our colleagues, which will impact our usual data. Different departments and levels of the business were Furloughed, and some pay was reduced to reflect the Government Furlough Scheme in line with these areas. Our lower paid colleagues had their Furlough pay topped up to 100% to minimise the impact of the pandemic on them as individuals. Higher paid Management Teams continued working voluntarily at a reduced rate or were Furloughed without having their salary topped up. Removing these colleagues from the data has brought some disparities in our figures that are not reflective of our entire workforce under normal pay circumstances. Colleagues who were placed on Furlough were selected due to their role being impacted from The Coronavirus Pandemic and has no relation to gender.
At the time of reporting 75.4% of Hobbycraft’s total relevant colleagues were female. In our stores, 88.1% of our full pay relevant colleagues were female and 11.9% male. In our support functions 46.9% of Colleagues were female and 52.1% were male.

Our Gender Pay Gap
28.3% Lower (mean) 7.55% Lower (median)
Why the Gap?
We are passionate about equal pay for all. Our gender pay gap is predominately driven by the dynamics of our in-store teams. The majority of our store-based roles are part times Sales Advisor positions (80.49% of total store Colleagues included in the data), these roles are paid on set hourly rates that apply to all colleagues regardless of gender, and this has a significant outcome on our gender pay gap results. As detailed above we have a larger number of female Colleagues in our stores, we are confident that all positions are paid fairly to all colleagues.
Gender Bonus Gap
70.3% of men received a Bonus payment and 69.9% of women. Bonus payments were 87.6% (mean) and 16.6% (median). These figures are reflective of the recent changes to our bonus scheme which has made it more inclusive of every colleague at each level of the business.
Pay Quartiles

Hobbycraft are pleased that 68% of its top quartile earners are female; this has increased by 2% compared to last year’s figure of 66%, as mentioned previously in the report, Furloughed pay has impacted this figure, due to parts of the business taking a temporary reduction in pay, we will reflect on this over the next 2 years as we anticipate the figures return to a more comparable set of data. With this in mind, we will continue to drive our commitment towards diversity.
Within the Upper Middle Quartile we have seen an increase of males by 2%
The Lower Middle Quartile has seen an increase of females by 13%
The Lower Quartile has seen an increase in females by 3%
We understand the nature of our business correlates to an increased female workforce and is representative of the retail environment. We are committed to focusing on reducing the gender pay gap and bonus pay gap throughout the business.