How to Make a Peg Doll Family Box Frame
A peg doll family box frame makes the perfect gift, and an alternative snapshot in time of your loved ones. You can add anything you want to your box frame - see how creative you can get with clothing choices and backdrops! Follow the instructions below by Little Button Diaries to find out how they made their box frame family.
You will need
Is $ 3.49
Is $ 2.49
Is $ 9.49
Is $ 3.49
Is $ 37.00
Is $ 7.49
How to make
Begin by cutting the pegs to different sizes – this is optional, the dolls can be the same size if you prefer to skip this step. We used a small saw to trim two of the pegs to make them different lengths to represent the children in the family. Please ensure that the sawing is done by an adult!

Draw the facial features onto the top of each peg using Sharpie pens.

To make hair, wind embroidery thread around 3 fingers 7-10 times. Pull off and cut the ends loose. Glue to top of the peg and press the thread on with the strands going forward over the face and down the back. Repeat to glue the more thread in the opposite direction, going down the side of the face. Trim to the desired length and style if you like.

If you want some of your dolls to be in a skirt or dress, paint a top onto the peg and add shoes to the bottom. Once dry, cut a strip of felt measuring approximately 7cm x 15cm. Add glue along the top of the felt and wrap it around the doll. Fold the sides down at the back to encourage the felt to flare out. Trim the bottom so that it is flat.

For the boy dolls paint the top and trousers. Once dry add felt accessories, like bow ties, braces, belts and straps from the remaining felt and glue to your dolls.

Add a few more details to the clothes using sharpies, such as pockets, patterns and details on the trousers.

Take the inner frame out of the box. Mark along the bottom where you want to position your dolls and add a dob of glue before putting each doll in their place. Leave to set and fix the frame back together.

Paint the back of the frame if you like, and leave to dry. Pop the dolls into the frame and replace the back.