Gender Pay Gap Report 2018
Hobbycraft is the UK’s leading Arts and Craft’s retailer, specialising in retailing Arts and Craft products for over 250 different activities.
This data has been produced using the mechanisms detailed in the Gender Pay Gap Reporting legislation. The Gender Pay Gap shows the average pay of all the males in a defined group (in this case all our Colleagues) against the average pay of all the females in the same group. It is different to equal pay comparison which examines if male and female Colleagues receive equal pay for equal work. The statutory calculations also do not allow for full time equivalent normalisation.
At the time of reporting 77% of Hobbycraft’s total Colleagues were female. In our stores 84.42% of our Colleagues were female and 15.58% male. In our support functions 49.87% of Colleagues were female and 50.13% were male.

Our Gender Pay Gap
32% Lower (mean) 4% Lower (median)
Why the Gap?
The majority of our store based roles are part times Sales Advisor positions (74.47% of total store Colleagues), these roles are paid on set hourly rates that apply to all Colleagues, this has a significant outcome on our gender pay gap results. As detailed above we have a larger number of female Colleagues in our stores, we believe that our Brand and Craft Retail specialism makes us an appealing retailer to female Colleagues.
Gender Bonus Gap
In the reporting period limited bonus payments were made. 0.4% of men received a Bonus payment and 0.6% of women. Bonus payments for men were 5.6% higher and (mean) and 61.57% (median).
Pay Quartiles

Hobbycraft are pleased that 63% of its top quartile earners are female and are committed to continuing its drive for diversity in the team.
The Top Quartile female percentage has increased 1% from the last report. Within the Upper Middle Quartile, the male percentage has increased by 2%. The Lower Middle Quartile has seen an increase in females by 3% and the Lower Quartile has seen a male percentage increase of 1%. Hobbycraft are pleased to see increases across the quartile for both males and female as it demonstrates a continued dedication to gender diversity.
We are committed to focusing on reducing the gender pay gap and bonus pay gap throughout the business. We have launched a revised bonus scheme that is open to all Colleagues at every level of the business, and will focus on reducing the pay gap throughout all activities.