6 Easter Egg Carton Crafts for Kids
Looking for budget friendly Easter crafts to keep the kids entertained? Why not try giving an old egg carton a new lease of life!
Follow the step-by-step instructions below to find out how to make one of these super cute projects.
Project and instructions by Suzie Attaway and @motherandfun
You will need
Is $ 2.49
Is $ 1.49
Is $ 1.49
Is $ 1.49
Is $ 6.49
You Will Need
* Egg Boxes
* Scissors
* Paintbrush
* Paint Palette
* Pen
* Pencil
* Glue
Easter Bunny Portraits
* Pastel Posca Pens
* Thin Black Posca Pen
* Pastel Acrylic Paints
* Small Amount of Ribbon
Toadstool Garden
* Acrylic Paint - Green, White and Red
* Daisies
* Easter Chicks
Easter Animals
* Acrylic Paint - Pink, Yellow and White
* A4 Foam Sheets - Yellow, Pink and White
* White Mini Pom Poms
* Yellow Feathers
* Googly Eyes
Carrot Garland
* Cocktail Stick
* Orange Paint
* Googly Eyes
* Green Crepe Paper
* String or Twine
Easter Garden
* Acrylic Paint - Green and Pale Blue
* Green Shredded Tissue Paper
* A4 Foam Sheets in Green and Various Other Colours
* Green Pipe Cleaners
* Small Pom Poms in Various Colours
* Easter Chicks
* Easter Bunnies
* Felt Bees
Hatched Chicks
* Acrylic Paint in an Assortment of Pale Colours
* Large Yellow Pom Poms
* Orange A4 Felt Sheet
* Googly Eyes
How to make
Firstly, cut the egg box in half, so that the lid is separated from the tray.
Cut out one of the pointy sections from the tray and paint it in your chosen colour to make the bunny's face.
Then cut out two long ear shapes and paint them the same colour as the face.
When the face is dry, use a thin posca pen to draw on the details.

Decorate the egg box lid however you would like, to create the frame for your bunny.
When you are happy, stick down the bunny face, and then draw on a body for the bunny.

Cut the lid off the egg box and paint it green. Leave to dry.

Carefully cut the two pointy sections out of the base of the egg box and paint them white. Then cut out two of the egg holders and paint them red. Leave to dry.
Now paint some white spots on the red toadstool caps using the end of a pencil. Leave to dry.

Stick the red toadstool caps to the white stalks with glue.
Finally, glue the toadstools to the green base, and add some fabric daisies and Easter chicks.

Carefully cut out three egg holders from the egg box.
Paint the egg holders yellow, pink and white, and leave to dry.

Draw some ears and a nose for the bunny on pink foam, ears for the lamb on white foam and a beak for the chick on yellow foam.
Cut all the pieces out and glue them on to the corresponding animals.

Glue some mini pom poms to the lamb’s head and feathers to the chick.
Finally, add some googly eyes and draw on the other facial features with a pen.

Carefully cut the pointed sections out of several egg boxes.

Paint them in different shades of orange and then leave to dry.
Tip: If you don't have more than one shade of orange you can just mix a little white paint in with your orange to make a lighter shade.

Cut a strip of green crepe paper about 6cm wide and then make snips along one edge. Cut into roughly even sections.
Apply some glue around the inside edge of one of the carrots and scrunch up a section of the crepe paper to stick inside it. Repeat for each carrot.

Glue some googly eyes to each carrot and draw on a smile with a pen.
Carefully make a hole in both sides of each carrot with a cocktail stick and thread through some string to turn them into a garland.

Open up the egg box, paint the bottom section green and the lid blue. Leave to dry.

Draw some flowers on different coloured foam and cut them out.
Cut out some leaves from green foam.

Cut the green pipe cleaners into 8cm pieces and glue to the back of the flower heads. The glue a foam leaf on to each of the pipe cleaner stems.
Add a small pom pom to the middle of the daisy flowers.

Glue the flowers inside the painted egg box and fill the gaps with some shredded green tissue paper.
Finally, glue some chicks and bunnies in the garden and add a felt bee to the sky.

Carefully cut out the all egg holders from the egg box.
Then cut a zigzag edge around each, so they resemble broken egg shells.

Paint the egg shells in pastel colours, making sure you paint them in matching pairs. Leave to dry.
Use the end of a pencil to paint spots on the egg shells. Leave to dry.

To make the chicks, cut out some small beaks from orange foam and glue them to the large yellow pompoms. Then add some googly eyes.
Finally, put the chicks inside the pairs of egg shells and glue them in place.

Your egg carton crafts are now complete!