How to Make Ice Cream Cake Pops
Follow this quick, simple and fun baking project to create super-cute and delicious ice cream cake pops. Using our colourful range of Deco Melts, this easy-to-follow recipe is perfect to make and enjoy with your little ones!
These ice cream cake pops will make a wonderful addition to any picnic, or can be enjoyed as a delicious snack on a sunny afternoon.
Project and instructions by Lucy Bruns
You will need
Is $ 4.49
Is $ 7.49
Is $ 7.49
Is $ 5.49
How to Make
You will also need:
* Vanilla Buttercream 400g
* Deco Melts 250g - Pink, Blue, Purple and White
* Confetti Sprinkles
* 12 Cupcakes
* Baking Tray
* Greaseproof Paper
* A Bowl
* A Teaspoon
* A Saucepan
* Food-safe Lollipop Sticks
Crumble the cupcakes into fine crumbs in a bowl.
Stir in the frosting a teaspoon at a time until the mixture is thick and holds together when squeezed in your hand.

Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Divide the mixture into eight and use your hands to squeeze and mould the mixture into ice lolly shapes.
Lay them down on the lined tray and insert a lolly stick into each one.
Put the tray of cake pops into the freezer until they are solid – this should take approximately an hour.

Melt the coloured Deco Melts in a bowl over a pan of hot water.
Remove the cake pops from the freezer and submerge each one into the melted Deco Melts to cover.
Lay them back down on the tray to set.

Melt the white Deco Melts and have some sprinkles to hand.
Use a teaspoon to drizzle a small amount at the top of each cake pop and encourage it to drip down.
Add sprinkles to the white Deco Melts before it sets.

Continue working in this way until each of the cake pops have been decorated.