Four Easy Mother's Day Cards for Kids
Nothing is quite so special as a handmade card on Mother's Day, and it's a great way to get the kids creative with their play. Remember - Mum's don't mind messy, or mistakes, they just like to get a card and will keep it forever!
You will need
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How to make
Place two pipe cleaners next to each other and twist together at both ends.
Take one twisted end and gently fold it back on itself bringing it towards the bottom end, this will create your heart shape.
Using tape gently stick the pipe cleaner heart into place on the front of the card. You don't want to use much tape at this point, maybe four bits, at the two twists and at the top of both heart 'arches'.
Run some glue under the pipe cleaner heart, adding more tape to hold it in place as you go, until the whole heart is attached to the card, leave to dry.
Once the glue is dry remove all the tape.
Fill the centre of the heart with soft fluffy pom poms, you can go for a pattern or make it completely random, leave to dry.
Once dry add a message to the front of the card, maybe referring to Mummy's soft squishy heart, or keeping it simple like I have and just adding the word Mummy.

Use a thin tape to mask out the word 'mum' on a card blank.
Let your child go crazy with the pens, this is great for toddlers who may not be able to manage anything more complicated.
Peel away the tape to reveal the word, outlining if needed.

Place strips of decorative tape onto a card blank, using a few different designs. You can get so many tapes now you can make it really pretty and personal, I used a tape with cats on, because I like cats.
Trim the ends to fit the edge of the card.

First, write 'mum' in glue. I used a small bottle to draw it on with, leaving a raised effect.
Cover the glue in glitter, resisting the urge to shake off the glitter, leave to one side to dry.
Once the glue is dry tap off the excess glue, then tape a dried flower above. Pressing flowers takes time but is great for teaching children about nature and patience. If you don't have the time then you can buy dried flowers or use another embellishment.