How to Make a Beach Scene
Create this super cute beach scene using just a few basic craft supplies for a simple, yet fun activity. Whether you put it up on a mantelpiece to display, or use it as a play set, you're sure to get a lot of joy from this craft!
Follow along with the step-by-step instructions below to find out how to make this simple scene.
Project and instructions by Suzie Attaway
You will need
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You Will Need
* Empty Cereal Box
* Empty (And Washed Out) Juice Carton
* Cardboard
* Small Saucer
* Acrylic Paint - White, Blue, Yellow, Brown
* Cardboard Tubes
* Bright Coloured Paper
* Dark Brown 7mm Pom Poms
* Orange A4 Felt Sheet
* Paper Straw
* Wooden Dolly Pegs
* Pencil
* Scissors
* Paintbrushes
* Paint Palette
* PVA Glue
* Coloured Pencils
* Hole Punch
How To Make
Turn the empty cereal box on its side and carefully cut one side open. Glue the end flaps in place, and leave to dry.
Mix some white and blue paint together to make a pale blue shade and paint inside the back of the box.
Then paint the bottom yellow. Leave to dry before applying a second coat.
Mix a second pot in a mid-blue shade, and paint on the sea.
Add some fluffy clouds with white paint, and leave to dry.
Carefully cut the bottom off the juice carton, and also cut out the plastic lid.
Paint the surface with the mid-blue mixed paint, and leave to dry before applying a second coat.
When dry, use a thin paint brush to add horizontal stripes in white.
Make a straw roof by cutting two or three roof shapes from yellow paper, folding them in half and cutting a fringe across the short sides. Stick them on to the carton, layering the roofs on top of each other.
Next, carefully cut open a door and glue on a brown 7mm pom pom for a handle.
Paint a cardboard tube brown and leave to dry. Apply a second coat and leave to dry again.
Draw around the palm leaf templates onto green paper and cut them out. Glue around the top of the painted tube.
Glue on some brown pom poms to look like coconuts.
Draw around a saucer on a sheet of orange paper and cut out.
Cut a slit from the edge to the middle, then fold the paper circle into a shallow cone shape and stick in place.
Snip around the edge to create fringing.
Use a hole punch to make some yellow and blue paper spots, and stick to the parasol.
Cut down a blue paper straw and glue inside, flattening the top point to hold it in place.
Finish with a 7mm brown pom pom, and leave to dry.
Draw around the surf board template on to coloured card, and also on to cardboard.
Glue a cardboard backing onto each coloured surf board.
Decorate with patterns such as wavy zig zags and flowers, either with colouring pencils or by cutting the shapes out from coloured paper. Leave to dry.
Use coloured pencils to turn the wooden dolly pegs into beach people.
To make beach towels, cut some felt into 3 x 6cm pieces and snip along the short edges to create fringing.
Assemble all your pieces inside your background box.
You can either glue them in place, or leave them loose for future playing!