How to Make a DIY Sea Creature Mobile
This unique sea creature inspired mobile makes a great decoration for your child's bedroom or nursery.
Upcycle any spare cardboard tubes you have lying around the house to create this superb project, and get little ones involved with the painting and decorations.
Follow our step by step instructions to bring the creatures of the sea to life!
Project and instructions by Suzie Attaway
You will need
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How to make
* Cardboard tubes
* Craft Paint - we used 4 colours
* Bright Coloured Card
* Orange Pipe Cleaners
* Clear Thread
* A Driftwood/stick or Dowel Rod
* A White Pen
* Free Template - Downloaded + Printed
* A Pencil
* Scissors
* A Paint Brush

Download the template below in preparation for this project!

First, measure and cut the tubes down in size - 8cm for the crab, 9cm for the fish and 10cm for both the shark and octopus.
Then, paint the tubes coral, turquoise, grey and lilac, and leave them to dry.

To make the fish, take the 9cm tube and flatten one end. Insert the tail piece in the end and glue in place.
Then, stick the side fins and wiggle eyes in place. Paint the inside mouth coral and leave to dry.

For the shark, first paint the inside of one end of the 10cm grey tube in coral, and leave to dry, before cutting it into a mouth shape.
Then, carefully cut some small slits at the top and bottom off either end of the tube, and insert the tail.
Next, cut a slit along the top in the middle and insert the fin.
Finally add some small wiggle eyes to the face.

For the octopus, take the 10cm lilac tube and paint the inside turquoise.
Once dry, carefully make 5cm long slits around the bottom edge with scissors. Then glue some wiggle eyes to the face and draw a smile with a white pen.

To make the crab, turn the coral tube on its side and make 2 small holes in the top.
Cut an orange pipe clearer into small pieces, and glue 2 to the holes in the top for eye stalks, and another 2 to each end of the tube for arms and legs.
Add the red card pincers to the arms and wiggle eyes to the eye stalks, and leave them to dry.

Finally assemble the mobile - pierce some small holes in the tops of the crab, shark and fish, and sides of the octopus with a needle.
Thread some clear string through the holes and secure with a strong knot, then tie each of your creatures to a piece of driftwood or dowel rod at different lengths.