How to Make Friendship Bracelets with Embroidery Thread
As well as being a really lovely gift to give to friends, making friendship bracelets is also a really relaxing mindful activity, and once you've mastered the basics you can easily switch up the amount of threads you use, the stripe thickness's and all sorts!
Tutorial by Georgia Coote
You will need
Is $ 8.49
Is $ 25.00
How to make
Choose 6 colours and then to measure them out, measure the length of your arm twice. This will give you more than you need, but it's easier to work with if you have more rather than less

Secure the bracelet to your work surface by using a piece of masking tape.

Separate all the colours, you should have 2 strands of each colour.

The thread on the left will start as the one you are knotting along each thread. Wrap your knotting thread around the colour next to it and tie a knot twice (this is the important part!), then move onto the next thread in the row and repeat until you get to the end of the sequence.

Repeat with each colour until you have done roughly the length needed to wrap around 3/4 of your wrist.

Then separate the threads so that you have 2 groups of 3 colours and plait each group.