How to Make Pipe Cleaner Caterpillars
These cute caterpillars are a super simple idea made using just pipe cleaners and beads. Create some leaves for them to munch on and get playing!
Follow along with the step-by-step instructions below to find out how to make.
Project and instructions by Suzie Attaway
You will need
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Is $ 1.49
Is $ 1.49
You Will Need
* Green Acrylic Paint
* Green Pipe Cleaners
* Assorted Beads
* 2cm Pom Poms - Red and Pink
* Googly Eyes
* Cardboard
* Scissors
* Paintbrushes
* Pencil
* Pen Lid
How To Make
Draw around the leaf template on some cardboard and cut it out.
Use a pen lid or similar to draw some 1cm diameter circles on the leaf, and carefully cut out. (You may need an adult to help with this.)
Next, paint the leaf green, and leave to dry.
Apply another coat of paint if necessary.
To make the caterpillars, first take a green pipe cleaner and cut in half. Thread a bead onto one end and curl the end of the pipe cleaner around it to hold in place.
Thread lots of different colour beads onto the pipe cleaner and then twist the other end of the pipe cleaner when finished.
Repeat to make more caterpillars, varying the lengths of the pipe cleaners for diffferent sized caterpillars.
Stick some googly eyes to 2cm pom poms, then glue to the twisted end of the caterpillars and leave to dry.
Bend the caterpillars into shape, and feed through the holes in the leaf.