How to Sketch a Fox
Learn how to sketch a fox using the new range of Shore and Marsh pencils. With helpful tips and tricks along the way it couldn't be easier to get started!
We also cover how to draw foliage! Find the step-by-step instructions below and get sketching.
You will need
* Pencils
* Paper
Simplify the shapes of the fox into circles to work out the placement of the face, breaking up the ears, nose and head.
Then, add in more details by defining the nose, ears and eyes.
Mark out the shadow areas lightly with your pencil, this will help create depth. Choosing a light yellow, pale orange and a slightly darker orange, start drawing out the light areas of the fur. Use short quick pencil strokes to create fur-like marks.
Choosing a range of darker colours, add in the medium shades. Then with a dark brown and black pencil to add shading to the nose, ears, eyes and shadows in the fur. Leave some areas white to show reflection in the nose.