How to Sew a Knot Headband
The twist knot headband is the accessory of the season, helping you transform any look in an instant! With this tutorial, you'll be all set to create your own – with your pick of patterns and colours, ready to help you stand out from the crowd. You can even create a matching headband for every outfit.
Project and instructions by Sophia at @sew__jessali.
Please note: All sewn edges use a 10mm seam allowance within this project.
You will need
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How to make
Cut your fat quarter in half lengthways and trim the selvedge edge. This should roughly measure 54 x 23cm.
Fold in half lengthways, right sides together, to make a long strip. Pin the long open edges and sew these together, leaving both sort ends open.
Press the seams open and turn the right way around. You may find a safety pin useful for this.
Next, cut a piece of elastic that's 17cm long. Then cut a piece of your fabric measuring 23 x 6cm.
Fold the small rectangle of fabric in half lengthways and again pin and sew the long open edges together, leaving short ends open. Trim the seam allowance down by half before using a safety pin to turn the right way around.
Press fabric piece flat with the seam line running down the centre. Use your safety pin to feed the elastic piece through the middle of the tube. Secure the end with a pin. You want the elastic to poke out of each end by about 6mm.
Secure both ends by sewing a few lines back and forth through the fabric and elastic.
Next, get your large fabric tube and place your elastic piece inside. Lining up the stitch line of the elastic with the edge of the larger piece, plus making sure both pieces are central and seam lines are on top of each other. Pin to hold.
Start folding the large piece edges to the centre. I used two folds. You want the folds to all meet in the centre, lining up to the elastic width.
Repeat with the other side. It should now look narrow at the edge. Pin in place through all layers. Sew together carefully, it will be thick.
Turn the right way around and make sure there are no gaps in the join.
Press the rest of the hairband flat.
Next, fold the large fabric piece in half (forgetting elastic) and pin the centre.
Tie a tight knot in the centre of the fabric. You can play with the position slightly until you're happy.
Fold in the open end of the large fabric piece by 1cm and press. Place the other end of the elastic in this side, lining up the seam lines again. Make sure the elastic isn't twisted, pin to hold.
Repeat a similar folding technique as before. If you want it to match the other side, you can fold it internally, so the outside seam line is on the top. You can use a safety pin here instead and try on your band in case you want it tighter/looser. You can position the elastic to where is comfortable. Sew across these ends; it will be thick so go slowly. Make sure it's a strong hold.
Your headband is then ready to wear.