How to Make a Macrame Bee Plant Hanger
Up your macramé game with this amazing plant hanger by Isabella Strambio.
Featuring a leaf design for the base of the macramé plant hanger and macramé bee details, this is the perfect spring project.
Project by Isabella Strambio
You will need
Is $ 13.00
How to make
Plant Hanger
15 meters of Return of the Mac Ecru
45 meters of Return of the Mac Sage
1 wooden ring
Measuring Tape
Masking tape
Crochet hook
Black string
Yellow String
Return of the Mac- Ecru
Glue Gun
Tape measure

Plant Hanger
Cut: 5 x 2.5 mt of Ecru string
1 x 60cm of Sage string (for Gathering Knot at the top)
1 x 80cm of Ecru string (for Gathering Knot at the bottom)
7 x 1.2 mt of Sage string
Cut: 3 x 60cm Yellow string
1 x 20cm Black string
1 x 40cm Ecru string

Take the 5 Ecru strings and place them through the ring evenly
Tie a gathering knot with the 60cm Sage string

Take two Ecru strings as a guide, measure 10cm and fix your string on a flat surface with masking tape.
Place the 7 x 1.2 mt of Sage strings behind the guide strings in the middle.
Tie the 7 x 1.2 mt of sage strings around the guide strings with Double Half Hitches
Take the first Sage string on the left, use it as a guide and tie Double Half Hitches knots with all the Sage strings.
Tie the Sage guide onto the Ecru guide with a half hitch knot.

Take the first Sage string on the right, use it as a guide and tie Double Half Hitches knots with all the Sage strings. Tie the Sage guide onto the Ecru guide with a half hitch knot. Pull
Continue repeating STEPS 5-8 until you have 5 lines of Double Half Hitches on both sides.

Next, Take the first Sage string on the left, use it as a guide and tie two Double Half Hitches knots.
Next, tie another Double Half Hitch knot and use the original guide + string no #3 together as the new guide.
Tie a double half-hitch knot around the new guide.
Use the guide + string no #4 together as the new guide and tie a double half-hitch knot around the new guide.
Continue by adding a new string to the guide until you have used all the string on the left to tie a double-half half-hitch knot.
Repeat STEPS 10-14 on the right side.

Use one of the main Ecru strings (the longest) and wrap around all the strings 3 times.
Wrap the end around the Ecru strings and through the knot to secure it- you can use a crochet hook to help
Repeat STEPS 3-17 to make 4 more leaves onto the plant hanger
Gather all the leaves and tie a final Gathering knot with 80cm of Ecru string
Trim the bottom fringe to the desired length.

Take the three Yellow strings and tie a Barrell knot
Split the black string into three sections and using one of them wrap the string around the barrell knot and tie it at the back. Trim the strings
Take the white string, make an ‘8’ shape and tie it with a knot in the middle to make the wings
Glue the wings to the bottom of the bee
Trim the yellow strings from the Barrell knot
Attach the bee to the plant hanger