How to Make an Air Dry Clay Castle
Air dry clay is such a great versatile product, and is great for making numeorous projects with as all you need to do is leave if for a few days to dry out before painting or decorating it.
This castle is a great project to make with the kids, and you can let them go wild with the decoration! We've used a regal gold colour for our castle, but you can use whatever colour you like, or if you prefer you could even use decorative papers to decoupage the castle.
You will need
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You will also need:
*Cocktail sticks
*A ruler
*A rolling pin
*A paint brush
*A piece of paper
*Cling film
*Anything you'd like to decorate with (e.g. glitter glue)
How to make
On a piece of paper, draw out a rectangular castle shape to act as a template.
Ours measured 12cm x10cm, with 2cm turrets. Draw a 10cm square for the castle base. Cut out the templates.

Take a piece of clay about the size of your fist and roll it out to about 5mm thickness.

Lay the template on top of the clay and cut out around it with a knife.
Repeat this so that you have four castle pieces and one square piece. You will need to fold and re-roll the clay a few times to use all the off-cuts up.

Cut out a door shape then, using a knife you can score panels on the door.
Roll a small ball of clay for a doorknob.

Once the clay is dry you will need to assemble the castle. This is a little fiddly so an adult will need to do this bit.
Place the base square on a piece of paper to protect your work surface. Take two of the castle walls and superglue along the bottom and facing sides. Place the pieces at right angles against the base and hold them in place for a few minutes, until stable enough to stand alone (don't worry about any gaps between the walls for now as these will be covered by clay). Repeat the process with the other two pieces and leave to completely set.

Glue on the door then paint your castle inside and out. We went for regal gold and purple, and used glitter glue to create some arrow slits.

Add flags to your castle by taping washi tape around the top of a cocktail stick and snipping off the ends.
Glue the flags inside the castle.