How to Make Farm Animals with Cardboard Tubes
Bring a whole farm to life with our latest project, perfect for enjoying kids' craft at home! The simple project uses items you can easily find around your home, making this an easy idea to recreate.
Recycle old toilet paper cardboard rolls by transforming them into quirky farm animal characters. You can let your imagination run wild.
Project and instructions by Little Button Diaries.
You will need
Is $ 2.49
Is $ 2.49
Is $ 4.49
Is $ 3.49
* Cardboard Tubes
* Assorted Googly Eyes
* Bright Card A3 25 Pack
* Black Card A4 50 Pack
* Stainless Steel Scissors
* PVA Glue
* Mixing Tray 6 Wells
* Yellow Ready Mixed Paint
* Pastel Pink Ready Mixed Paint