How to Make Winning Medals
I've had a hoard of jar lids in my house for a while (after a recent glass jar making phase), quietly stowed away in one of the kitchen drawers waiting to be used, and inspired by the upcoming Olympic Games and the fantastic medals on offer, I thought I'd have a go at making some medals of my own. No medal would be complete without a bit of bling, and I couldn't resist covering mine in lots of glitter! These medals are great for both adults and kids (although adult supervision and help will be needed) and can easily be personlised with all sorts of things, from card and foam toppers to sequins and poms, the sky is the limit!
Allow: 1 hour + drying time
Written by Aisha Cluitt
You will need
Is $ 9.49
Is $ 4.49
Is $ 3.49
Is $ 4.49
How to make
You will also need:
Jar lids in various sizes