How to Sew Fabric Storage Baskets
You can buy plastic containers for storing bathroom bits and bobs but a fabric storage basket is much more attractive and can be made in different sizes.
It would also make a handy work basket for all your fabric scraps and sewing paraphernalia.
Project and instructions by Fat Quarter Home by Amanda Russell and Juliet Brookes, published by GMC publications
You will need
How to make
You will also need:
An iron and an ironing board
Draw a circle for the base, using the compass, and draw a rectangle for the sides onto tracing paper or baking parchment and cut out to make patterns. A small bucket needs a base diameter of 5in (12.5cm) and a 8 x 14½in (20 x 36.5cm) rectangle; a large bucket has a base diameter of 7½in (19cm) and a 11 x 21½in (28 x 55cm) rectangle. Seam allowances of 3/8in (1cm) are included. Mark the quarter points on the circle and along the long edge of the rectangle between the seam allowances.
Pin the patterns for the bucket sides and bases onto both the main and lining fabrics, mark the seam allowances and the quarter points and cut out.
To stiffen the fabric, pin the pieces to the fusible interfacing. Cut out the interfacing and iron it onto the back of all the pieces of fabric to bond.
With right sides facing, using a 3/8in (1cm) seam allowance, pin and machine sew the lining to the outer fabric along one long edge.
With right sides facing, fold the piece in half so that each side is part outer and part lining. With a 3/8in (1cm) seam allowance, pin and stitch the long side to form a cylinder. Start sewing from the top of the lining, stitch for 1½in (4cm), then leave a 4in (10cm) gap and continue sewing all the way to the end. This is the opening to turn the bucket through when it is completed.
Pin the stiffened fabric bases in place, using the quarter points to ensure a neat circle. Sew in place with a 3/8in (1cm) seam allowance. Trim the seams and carefully clip around the circle.
Turn the bucket through the open section of side seam. With right sides out, hand sew the side seam opening closed using slip stitch. To form the bucket, push the lining into the outer fabric. Top stitch round the top edge.
Turn over the top edge to make a cuff of contrasting lining fabric.