How to Sew a Nautical Quilt
Get ready for summer with this nostalgic nautical quilt! This is a simple quilt made up of five easy blocks. All seams have a 1.5cm allowance unless stated otherwise. The quilt is assembled block by block and then each block is stitched together.
Tutorial by Frankie Baldwin.
You will need
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How to make
You will also need:
7 Different Nautical Fat Quarters
Fabric A – 40cm x 19cm OR 1 fat quarter
Fabric B – 50cm x 42cm OR 1 fat quarter
Fabric C – 90cm x 55cm OR 2 fat quarter
Fabric D – 45cm x 45cm OR 1 fat quarter
Fabric E – 45cm x 45cm OR 1 fat quarter
Fabric F – 125cm x 25cm OR 3 fat quarters
Fabric G – 150cm x 50cm OR 4 fat quarters
Plain/interfacing – 50cm x 50cm
Fabric A – Cut 5 trapeziums [bottom length 13cm top length 19cm, width 8cm] Fabric B – Cut 8, 10.5cm x 25cm rectangles
Fabric C – Cut 4, 10cm x 25cm rectangles
– Cut 5, 10cm x 15.5cm right angles triangles
– Cut 5, 10cm x 13cm right angle triangles
– Cut 4, 25cm x 25cm squares
Fabric D – Cut 8, 21cm x 21cm right angle triangles
Fabric E – Cut 8, 21cm x 21cm right angle triangles
Fabric F – Cut 5, 25cm x 25cm squares
Fabric G – Cut 8, 25cm x 25cm squares
Plain fabric/interfacing – Cut 5, trapeziums [19cm on top and 13cm on bottom, 8cm wide] – Cut 5, 15.5cm x 10cm right angle triangles
– Cut 5, 13cm x 10cm right angle triangles
Place one triangle from fabric D and one triangle from Fabric E right sides together and pin the shortest side. Stitch along pinned seam and press seam allowance.

Repeat again (make sure to place your fabrics in the same positions).
Place the two pieces you have sewn right sides together making sure to match the seam in the middle so it sits neatly. Stitch and press seams. Give block a final press. Make this block 3 more times.

Place 2 of your rectangles from fabric B alongside 1 rectangle from Fabric C, right sides together.. Pin along the longest seams and stitch. Press seams and give block a final press. Make 3 more blocks in the same manner.

This block is plain so you can leave your Fabric c square as is.
Place one of your 13cm x 10cm triangles right sides together with your plain backing/interfacing sew around all edges using a 1cm seam allowance. Clip corners and cut a small slit in your plain fabric/interfacing [Make sure not to cut into your main fabric] Turn your small sail through this gap and repeat with your larger sail and your boat body.

Iron each of these pieces and pin them in place on your fabric F square. Using a straight stitch secure these to your square. Keep your stitches approximately 0.5cm away from the edge. Alternatively you can appliqué these to your block by hand. Press block and make 4 more in the same manner.

This block is plain so you can leave your Fabric G square as is.
Assemble your quilt using the top image as a guide. Simply stitch the blocks together and press seams as you go. Then add an 8cm border using fabric E.

Add batting and backing and quilt as desired.