How to Make Marbled Galaxy Eggs
Go alternative this Easter by making these stunning marbled eggs surrounding the theme of space. It's so easy to create convincing starscapes and nebulae with the help of a few tools and techniques. Have a look at the techniques below to see how to create each different effect.
You will need
Is $ 4.49
Is $ 4.49
Is $ 4.49
Is $ 4.49
How to make
Marbled Give your egg 2 coats of black acrylic paint as a base and let it dry.

Paint your egg with a couple of coats of black acrylic paint and leave to dry

Paint your egg with a couple of coats of black acrylic paint and leave to dry
Mix up a 50:50 mix of turquoise acrylic paint (I used Pebeo Turquoise Dyna Iridescent) with water in a cup so it is thinned down enough for spattering with a toothbrush. Flick small spatters of turquoise paint with a toothbrush across the egg to represent the galaxy. Gently sponge off any excess paint. Leave to dry.

Repeat the above flicking technique this time using using pink acrylic watered down. Leave to dry.

Apply small random dots and blobs of Mixtion Gilding Paste to represent stars. Leave to dry (less than an hour) until the glue goes from white to transparent and feels tacky.

Finish off applying silver paint sparingly on a sponge here and there to enhance the galaxy like effect.