How to Decorate a Ceramic Heart Dish
Transform a plain ceramic blank into a contemporary trinket dish! You’ll be able to create a stylish and useful home décor piece that’s perfect for storing any small, loose items.
This project is super-easy to create, perfect for beginners and can be adapted to fit any home décor colour scheme by simply swapping the blue paint for a colour of your choice.
You will need
Next, make a light blue by taking the white paint and squeezing some on to the palette, then add a small amount of blue paint and mix together. Make sure to mix quite a bit as it’s hard to get the same shade each time should you run out and you need this same colour for other steps.
Now you need to paint every other shape in this colour using the number 6 paint brush, making sure to go over the rim of the dish.
Top tip: When the paint dries down it will be a couple shades darker than what you have mixed so keep this in mind when mixing colours.
Turn the dish right side up. Take the number 0 brush and paint small marks with the light blue paint over different parts of the blue painted shapes.
Then repeat this with the blue paint but over the light blue shapes.
Now your heart dish is complete!