How to Make a Pebble Portrait
Create a beautiful pebble family portrait with this easy-to-follow guide.
Allow your littles ones to express their creativity in the best way, adding personalised details to their pebbles to create a sentimental gift.
What’s more, you only need a few key materials to create this project meaning it won’t break the bank!
Project and instructions by Jocelyn Sheppard
You will need
How to make
You Will Need
* Pebbles
* Acrylic Paint
* Paintbrushes
* Glue Gun and Glue
* Thin Tip Pen
* Box Frame
Start by separating your pebbles, and selecting the most appropriate ones to use for the head and body shapes for your family, friends and pets!
Now paint all your pebbles white, and leave them to dry.
Lightly sketch any clothing and facial features on to the pebbles to make them look like the people you want them to look like.
Now paint on any large areas of paint, like the hair and clothes. Leave to dry and then paint on any smaller details you'd like on the clothes, for example stripes or belts and pockets.
Use a thin tip pen to draw on facial features.
Remove the glass from your box frame and place all your pebble people where you'd like them inside the frame.
Ask an adult to use a hot glue gun to stick the pebbles down firmly. Leave them to dry for a couple of hours.
Your pebble people are now ready to show off!