How to Make Autumnal Painted Ceramic Pumpkins
Forego the traditional carved pumpkin this year and start your autumnal celebrations earlier with these modern, illustrated pumpkins. Choose a variety of shapes and sizes to craft a cosy corner of your home!
You will need
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You Will Need
* Ceramic Pumpkin
* Paintbrushes
* Acrylic Paint - Pink, Black, Blue and Red
* White Spray Paint
* Pencil (optional)
How to make
Firstly you will need to spray your pumpkin with the base colour, I've chosen white. Make sure you cover the surface you are working on with old newspaper and once the pumpkin is covered leave to dry overnight.

I mixed some of the pink acrylic with the red to create a peachy colour for my floral motifs. Paint onto the pumpkin creating oval shapes in the pink.

Using another colour (I mixed blue and black to get a darker blue) add on the leaf shapes. If you aren't as confident working straight onto the pumpkin then you could always pencil the shapes on first.

Cover the pumpkin in the oval peach shapes with leaves.

Using the dark blue add small circles to each of the floral motifs to create an illustrated style of florals.

The second design is more of a motif to compliment the all patterned pumpkin. Using the same peach paint 2 oval shapes onto the middle of the pumpkins.

Add a stem with tear drop shapes to create foliage branches from the florals.

Using simple lines you can create the stems for the buds.

Add buds with small circles on the top of the stems. And add small circles to the centre of your bigger florals as you did with the patterned pumpkin. Leave to dry overnight.