How to Make Fabric Crackers
Transform your Christmas table décor with handmade crackers! You'll be able to make each one extra-special by recreating these fabric crackers, with a simple tutorial by Hobbycraft Artisan Stephanie Parker.
Created using fat quarters, this is a great project for beginner sewers to make.
You will need
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You Will Need
* Christmas Fabric
* Ribbon
* Thread
* A3 Card
* Scissors
* Fabric Scissors
* Pinking Shears
* Ruler
* Pen
* Pins
* Sewing Needles
* Cardboard Tubes
* Sewing Machine
How to Make
Use two pieces of A3 card to create both templates for your crackers.
The first template should measure 31cm x 20.5cm; this will be for the body of the cracker. The second template should measure 11.5cm x 31cm, this will be for the ends of the cracker.
All seam allowances are included within the template measurements.

Choose two contrasting fabrics, one fabric for the cracker body and one fabric to use for the ends.
Draw around the templates onto the chosen fabrics, being mindful of the direction of the print, once happy cut out the pattern piece using a sharp pair of fabric scissors.
Please note: You will need one piece for the body and two pieces for the cracker ends.

Take your main cracker body piece and position so it's facing pattern side up.
Next, take one of your cracker end pieces and place it pattern side down along one of the long edges of your cracker body piece, once again making sure to be mindful of the direction of the pattern on the fabric.
Pin together.

Sew the pieces together using a 1cm seam allowance (3/8 inch), remembering to remove the pins as you go.

Repeat steps three and four with the remaining cracker end piece on the opposite side.

To help prevent the fabric fraying, use pinking shears and cut along the edge of the seams.
Once cut, press your seams open.

Along one of the long edges create a double hem by folding the edge by 0.5mm and then fold again by 1cm. Sew hem using a ¼ inch seam allowance.

Repeat on the opposite side. Before also hemming the two shorter sides in the same way.

Place a cardboard tube in the centre. Fill with your treats and then roll your fabric around the tube.

Secure ribbon on either side of where the tube sits by tying a knot, and finishing with a bow.

Your crackers are then ready to be placed on your Christmas table.