How to Make Floral Painted Eggs
Add some colour to your spring decorations with these beautiful floral eggs. Painted Easter eggs are a great way to add fun, decorative detail to your home for the occasion.
Whether you're hosting an Easter egg hunt or simply sprucing up your home for spring, make personalised ceramic eggs with a few simple techniques. The hand-painted flower designs will make a great addition to your seasonal decor.
Project and instructions by Becki Clark
You will need
Is $ 4.49
Is $ 7.49
Is $ 15.00
Is $ 9.49
Is $ 9.49
* Various Paintbrushes
* A Paint Palette
* Gouchache Poster Paint in Various Colours
* Ceramic Eggs

Gather your materials, if you think you'd like to mix your own colours I'd advise grabbing an old plate to use as a mixing palette.

For the first design you will need to paint three large teardrops that all join at the same point, you can see this will make up your first floral motif. Colour in with your paints.

Repeat this shape opposite in a smaller size then taking another colour paint two lines that curve from the bottom of the flower, add leaf shapes along the lines to create a foliage motif.

Repeat this to create a bunch of foliage that gathers between the floral motifs. Once your layers are dry you can add detail such as lighter highlight on the floral petals.

Paint small lines that make up bud branches working outwards from your florals, these can be painted with singular brush stroke lines and dabs of colour for the buds.

This second design uses same teardrop style florals (group 3 teardrops together that join at the bottom) only you'll need to paint smaller to create a ditsy style of floral, repeat across your egg painting the floral heads in different directions.

Using single line strokes add the stems with another colour of the gouache paint pointing your stems in different directions to create movement in the design.

The third design uses the brush to create textured petals for your florals, make sure you aren't using too much water and have a thicker consistency of gouache on your brush so you can press down and use the bristles to make the petal shapes. Repeat across the egg trying to keep an equal distance between motifs.

Using another colour pop a dot into the centre of the floral shapes for your ditsy style pattern.

For this motif you will need to paint a 5 petal floral, paint ovals that all join together around your imaginary circle in the middle.

Add leaf shapes in another colour that are working outwards from the floral shapes.

Using another colour add a circle shape to the top of your petals to create your floral motifs.