How to Make a Spring Wreath with Tulips
Celebrate Spring with a lovely, sumptuous tulip wreath made with a basic faux tulip wreath and extra bunches of faux tulips.
Add some ribbon and hang from your front door to welcome in the warmer weather.
These soft pastel colours are simply perfect for spring!
You will need
Is $ 9.49
Is $ 11.00
Is $ 6.49
You Will Need
* Parsley Fern
* Eucalyptus
* Gypsophila
* Rattan Wreath Base
* Cream Daisy Pick
* Cream Tulips
* Hot Glue Gun
How To Make
Start by cutting up the parsley fern picks into single stems.
Then, glue the stems one at a time to the rattan wreath base using hot glue. Make sure that each piece is facing the same way so it follows the curve of the wreath.

Next, cut up the tulip pick into single buds.
Arrange half of the tulips around the outer edge of the wreath and secure with hot glue. Ensure the foliage from the tulip is positioned nicely before you glue it down – this will add volume to your wreath.
Then, take the remaining tulips and arrange these on the inner edge in the gaps between the flowers you added previously.

Cut up the daisy pick, keeping some stems as two daisies together, some single flowers with foliage and some smaller buds. Place these around the wreath and glue once you’re happy with the arrangement. The smaller buds are great fillers if you have a gap.
Top Tip: It may be easier to attach the foliage separately to the flowers

Cut up the eucalyptus pick into stems (keeping them fairly long so you can adjust depending on where it sits).
Place these around the wreath, following the same direction as the parsley fern. These stems can fill in any last gaps you may have and can add a more natural effect when sticking out from the edge.
Top Tip: The shorter the stem, the more control you have over the placement.
You can also glue one of the eucalyptus leaves from the middle of the stem to the wreath base or surrounding foliage to keep it in a neater circular shape.