How to Make a Wool Week Bramble Hat
To celebrate Wool Week we have got some great bloggers to create a hat pattern using our West Yorkshire Spinners 100% Jacobs wool yarn. Check out my Wool Week Bramble hat pattern below!
You will need
Is $ 10.00
Is $ 6.49
Is $ 7.49
Is $ 3.49 , was $ 7.49
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Is $ 7.49
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How to make
K- knit
P- purl
Inc2- Increase 2 stitches into the next stitch
P3tog- purl 3 stitches together
St – stitch
Using 4.5mm needles and yarn A cast on 102sts.
RS: *k1, p1*
WS: *k1, p1*
Continue in rib until work measures 12cm
Change to 5mm needles
WS: Using yarn B purl all sts
Now begin working in pattern as follows
RS: Purl
WS: K1, *inc2 into next st, p3tog* k1
RS: Purl
WS: K1, *p3tog, inc2 into next st*k1
Continue in pattern until work measures 24cm
WS: K1, *p3tog, k1* k1 (62sts)
RS: Purl
WS: K1, *p3tog, k1* p3tog (26sts)
Thread through the remaining sts on the needles and pull to make sure the top of the hat is gathered in. Secure into place.
With right sides together, use mattress stitch to sew up the seam, making sure to use the correct colour yarn to make the stitching invisible.
Using yarn B make a pompom using the pompom maker. Secure onto the top of the hat.