How to Make Easter Egg Characters
Why not get the kids involved in some Easter crafts and have a go at making some super cute decorations?
Follow along with the simple instructions below to recreate these adorable chick and bunny egg decorations! Why not get creative and try making other spring animals?
You will need
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You Will Need
* Blank Eggs
* Acrylic Paint - Yellow and White
* A4 Felt Sheet - Pink and White
* Yellow Feathers
* Googly Eyes
* Black Marker Pen
* Scissors
* Paintbrush
* Pencil
* Glue
How To Make
Paint the egg with pink acrylic paint and allow to dry. You will need 2 – 3 coats of paint, allowing each coat to dry before applying the next.
Cut four bunny ear shapes from felt. Glue two ear shapes together with PVA glue – this makes the ears more rigid and able to stand upright.
Cut two smaller inner bunny ear shapes from white felt and glue on to the pink ear shapes. Once dry, position and glue the bunny ears to the mache egg shape.
Position and glue two googly eyes and a pom pom nose on to the face of the bunny. Use a black sharpie fine liner to draw on the whiskers.
Paint the egg with yellow acrylic paint and allow to dry. You will need 2 – 3 coats of paint, allowing each coat to dry before applying the next.
For the wings, position and glue two yellow feathers to each side of the mache egg. Glue one larger feather to the back so that the top of the feather peeps over the top.
Position and glue on two googly eyes. Use a black sharpie fine liner to draw on a small triangle beak.