6 Halloween Stash-Busting Ideas
Get in the mood for Halloween and use up any yarn scraps in your yarn stash! We've covered everything from pom pom bats and macramé ghosts to spooky wall hangings.
These six stash-busting tutorials are easy to follow and can be recreated with whatever colour yarn scraps you have.
Project and instructions by Natasha Emmerson from @love.indy_
You will need
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Cut a long piece of string and lay it down flat, place the tassel down on top of the string quarter of the way up. Wrap the strings over, tie and secure with a knot.
With your darning needle take both loose ends of the tie and wrap around the tassel once and thread through the back of the tie.

Trim your tassel to neaten the edges.
Tip: For a neater finish, you can steamed the tassel to straighten it.

With black felt, cut out 3 small ovals to make 2 eyes and a mouth.
Using a glue gun, stick them onto the ghost above the top quarter of the tassel.

To create the garland, cut a piece of twine approximately 100cm long and create a knot at one end of the garland.
With your darning needle, thread the twine onto the needle and insert the needle up and through the top of the tassel. Pull the twine all the way through so the tassel meets the knot at the opposite end.

Insert your needle (with the twine threaded) through each pom pom to thread onto the garland.
To finish the garland create a loop at the opposite end to the tassel and knot.

Take your yarn and cut a piece of string measuring 60cm.
Repeat this process 7 more times and fold them all in half like pictured.

With a dowel measuring 30cm, place the folded yarn from the loop side over and behind the dowel.
Insert the opposite end of the yarn through the loop to knot onto the dowel.

Repeat Step 2 with the rest of your chosen colours.
You should have 13 tassels knotted the dowel in total.

To attach the ghosts to the hanging, cut 3 pieces of twine all at different lengths.
With a darning needle thread a piece of twine onto the needle and insert up and through the middle of one of the ghost tassels. Pull the tassel down almost to the bottom of one end of the twine.

Loop the twine over and down the dowel, back into the top of the tassel (to meet the other end of the twine) and knot the two ends together.
Pull the tassel down onto the knot to hide it.
Repeat this step with the next two tassels.

Cut a piece of twine approximately 30cm, thread the twine onto a darning needle and insert the needle up through the pom pom and back down to create a loop at one end.
Knot the two ends of twine together at the other end of the pom pom, pull the twine until the knot is hidden and trim the twine.

Turn your pom pom maker over and place your finger flat on the yarn you’ve wrapped over and the space still to be filled.
Begin wrapping the yarn over your finger and filling in the gap until its nice and compact.
Pull your finger out and close the side of the pom pom maker. The yarn will be loose on one side.

Cut a piece of twine 10cm long and thread it onto a needle. Insert the needle up into the pom pom and through the top. Insert the needle back down into the pom pom to create a loop.
Knot together the two ends of the twine and pull the loop up to hide the knot. Trim any visible twine.

To finish the ghost, cut three oval shapes out of black felt and glue them onto one side of the pom pom (making two eyes and a mouth).

With your macrame yarn measure a length of yarn at 10 inches or the length you’d like your biggest arch to be.
Do not cut the yarn, instead measure out another 3 pieces of yarn of the same length.
You should have 4 pieces thick of yarn to each arch.

At one end of the yarn wrap tape around the end to secure all 4 pieces together.
Repeat this on the opposite side

Take your first arch and begin wrapping white DK yarn around it (making sure to leave a small gap no bigger than 2cm between the tape at the end of the rope and where you begin to wrap the yarn). Wrap the yarn along the set leaving another 2cm gap between the yarn and the other end.
Fasten off the yarn at the end by threading the tail onto a darning needle and inserting it back into the tied yarn.

Repeat step 6 with the remaining arches to secure them in place. Before gluing the last arch down, cut a piece of twine no longer than 8 inches.
Knot the two ends together to create a loop and knot the loop onto the middle of the arch. Continue gluing the arch down to secure.