How to Make a Heart Cushion Cover
Scatter cushions are great for adding a splash of colour or interest. Here's how to make a great looking heart cushion cover that looks more complicated than it really is.
This cushion can be created in whatever patterened fat quarters you like! There are endless possibilities, so get creative.
You will need
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How to make
* Sewing Machine
* Sewing Kit
* Cushion Pad
* Vanishing Fabric Marker
* Ruler/Tape Measure
* Fabric Scissors
* Fat Quarters

Measure your cushion and cut out a square of fabric to match its height and width.
Using your tape measure, make a mark 1¼ inches from the bottom of the fabric. Then make another mark ¾ of an inch above this.

Continue to make marks, ¾ of an inch apart until you reach the top of the fabric (you may have a little left over which is ok). Then draw straight lines across the fabric, using your marks as a guide.
Pick out some fat quarter colours that you like and cut to 2.5 inches x 21 inches

Fold them along their length so that the raw edges meet and press along the fold.

Lay out the strips on the fabric, once you are happy with the design start sewing the strips by lining up the raw edges with the lines. I have used a quarter of an inch seam allowance.

Start at the bottom and lay each strip on top of the previous one, until you reach the top and trim away any excess fabric.

If you are using a square cushion, cut the back fabric 1 inch larger on all sides. If you are using a shaped cushion, draw around it leaving an inch between the mark and the pad.

Cut out the back and use it as a template to cut out a matching piece from the front fat quarter covered fabric.
Line up the two pieces and pin together.
Sew around the edge using a narrow seam allowance, I've use a quarter of an inch.

Once you have finished sewing, trim away any excess fabric from the edge and turn right side out.

Insert the cushion pad and close up your gap in the cover.