How to Make a Wooden Spoon Dragon Puppet
Celebrate St George’s Day with this bright, fun kids’ craft. Embrace this patriotic occasion with a project that children will love to make – and they’ll enjoy playing with it even more!
Using a variety of craft staples like pipe cleaners, pom poms and paints, you'll love bringing this wooden spoon dragon puppet to life. Follow along with our instructions and tell the tale of this patron saint.
You will need
How to make
* Wooden Spoon
* Green Foam Sheet (A4 x2 or A3 x1)
* Tissue Paper - Red, Orange and Yellow
* 12 Green Pipe Cleaners
* 2 Medium Green Pom Poms
* 2 Smaller Green Pom Poms
* 2 Googly Eyes
* Green Paint
* Paintbrush
* Hot Glue Gun
* Scissors
* Pen/Pencil
* Wing Template - Downloaded and Printed
To start, cover your workspace then paint the wooden spoon green.
Tip: Paint the end of the spoon and leave to dry in a cup. When that end is dry, paint the other end and turn the spoon the other way in the cup to dry.
Next, take two pipe cleaners and twist them at one end to attach them - making one double length pipe cleaner. Repeat this to make a total of three double length pipe cleaners.
Then, braid these three together into a plait.
Next, take the tissue paper and lay this out one colour on top of another.
Fold in half and twist the folded end so that it stays together, you can then cut the open ends into the shape of flames.