How to Make an Outdoor Bug Game
Whether the sun is shining and you can play outside, or British weather is doing it's thing and you have to play inside, this game is perfect!
It's very simple to make, requires very few materials and is two games in one! You can either play a buggy version of noughts and crosses, or see who can toss the most bugs in the box.
You will need
Is $ 2.49
Is $ 2.49
Is $ 2.49
Is $ 3.49
You Will Need
* Acrylic Paint - Yellow, Red, Black
* Googly Eyes
* Paintbrushes
* Glue
* Scissors
* Black Pen
* Cardboard
* Ruler
* Four Twigs or Bamboo Canes
* Cardboard Box
Begin by cutting the cardboard into circles - they can be as big or as small as you like.
Paint five red and five yellow. Several coats may be required to cover it evenly.
To create the ladybirds, paint the top third of the circle black. Draw and colour in black spots with pen and glue on googly eyes.

To create the bees, use a ruler to mark out and paint three narrow black stripes and one larger one at the end.
When dry, glue on googly eyes.

Why not decorate a cardboard box to store your bug game?
You can also play the game of who can throw the most bugs into the box! If you don't have a spare cardboard box, you could lay out the 4 twigs into a square on the ground and throw the bugs onto that.