How to Photo Transfer
Transform your photographs into fabric art that looks fantastic with a simple yet very effective technique that even children can grasp. Making canvas art so much fun plus, it looks great and can be truly unique. You can stick on, paint or draw everything you can possibly imagine and it doesn't need to cost the earth; all you need is a canvas or a tote bag, a printed image from a Laser printer or a photocopy of your image, and some transfer medium.
You will need
Is $ 19.00
Is $ 3.49
How to make
You will also need a Laser printed photograph or design
Completely and generously cover your canvas or tote bag with fabric transfer medium. Use a heavy coat.
Press the photocopy on to the canvas, image-down and let it dry for at least ten hours or overnight.
After your image is completely dry, use a spray bottle to wet the top of the paper.
Rub the surface with your fingers until pieces of the paper start coming off. When pieces start coming away your image will be revealed. This step takes patience and is messy! Be careful not to rub too hard as this can remove your transfer on accident.
Continue until all the paper is removed and the image is completely visible! You may think all the paper has been removed but when the canvas dries you will find more!
Cover your canvas with one more coat of fabric transfer medium to seal and protect the image.