How to Initial a Fleece Christmas Stocking
Make your stocking your own, by learning how to add your own initial. I found it was a lot easier than it looked, and I loved this fleecy stocking design!
You will need
Is $ 33.00
Is $ 15.00
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Is $ 5.49
Is $ 7.49
Is $ 9.49
Is $ 4.49 , was $ 9.49
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How to make
You will also need:
fleece fabric
1. Fold fleece in half. Using the vanishing fabric marker draw and cut out the stocking.
2. Using pink wool, blanket stitch around the edge of the stocking.
3. Cut a crescent shape from the top layer of the stocking and blanket stitch around the edge.
1. Get a DVD case and wrap the wool around it 100 times, around the short side.
2. In the groove where you open the DVD case cut the wool all the way through and then open the wool. There should be a good bundle.
3. Cut a good length of wool and lay the bundle of wool centrally over it. Tie a knot to secure. Holding the length of wool smooth down the bundle either side to create the tassel.
4. About an inch down from the top of the tassel form a ghost shape and wrap a length of wool around several times and secure with a tight knot.
5. Trim the end of the tassel.
1. Cut three 3 m lengths of chunky wool. Tie together at one end and plait together.
2. Take a needle and thread, leaving enough of the plaited wool to attach the bow to the stocking.
3. Make a loop and push the needle through the bottom of the loop, but leave a tail on the thread.
4. Continue making loops until the end of the plaited wool has been used. Remove the needle from the thread and secure the two ends to create the ruffle bow.
1. With the vanishing fabric marker write the initial on the stocking opening. Backstitch the initial with wool.
2. Thread the tails of the tassels through the stitches on the stocking, plait and tie the ends to form a hanging loop.
3. Sew the wool ruffle bow to the stocking to finish.